Will’s graduation from Auburn, 2022
I’m a nice Jewish girl from NYC who surrendered her life to Jesus at the age of forty because her husband’s pastor in Seattle handed her the Bible. There I encountered Jesus through Psalm 103. There, through John 1, I realized my desperate need for God’s grace and the surpassing worth of a relationship with Jesus Christ.
After decades as a cycling coach, personal trainer, and nutrition coach, I do my best to spend my days pursuing my true purpose (in between loads of laundry and cooking):
to KNOW Jesus and to make Him KNOWN.
10 Things (not in any particular order):
Daughter of the King
Passionate about reading God’s Word (DM me on insta @fuelbodyfeedsoul for my 90 Day reading plan)
Wife to Chris (1998—I keep thinking that was 10 years ago, but alas…) & Mom to four: William, Hannah, Katherine and Olivia (all taller than me now)
Currently living in Birmingham, AL but I’ve lived all over: Florida, NY, Paris, Seattle, Portland, Atlanta (my superpower is packing up this family on a minute’s notice)
Life verse: Matthew 6:33 (because I’m a control freak and need constant humbling)
Verse that this ministry is founded upon: Romans 12:2 (because the siren call of this world and its exalting of self require us to be fully armored)
I’ve written three books: YOU ARE HIS: 21 day devotional about your identity in Christ; BREAKTHROUGH: six week Bible study to heal your relationship with food & body image; CAUGHT UP IN HOPE: 40 day devotional to sit at the feet of Jesus and exhale (forthcoming Fall 2022)
I am passionate about speaking to women (just DM me on Insta if your women’s group, ministry, or retreat is looking for a word about the WORD).
I feed people. If you come to my house, I am cooking for you.
LOsister Ambassador for Sadie Robertson Huff’s Live Original communities