I believe
As a daughter of the King: I believe God’s grace and the gift of His Holy Spirit empower us to authentically transform. Only through ignited, obedient faith in Christ can our minds be renewed and our hearts change. I believe we are each fearfully and wonderfully made, His image-bearers, and when we seek the Kingdom first, we trade in the ashes of this world and self for the fullness and freedom of a surrendered life . I believe our purpose is simple: to KNOW Jesus and to use our gifts and our endeavors to make Him KNOWN.
Welcome to Fuel Your Body, Feed Your Soul. I am so glad you’re here.
xoxo, Carol
When I married my southern hubby, cornbread became more of a staple and less of a “oh you made cornbread” moment. There are thousands of cornbread recipes out there...many that I have made and love...but, this is the one I was taught to make by my Grammy in her Wagner cast iron skillet (Oh I miss that skillet!!). The best part, her cornbread is straightforward so the perfect base for me to add all sorts of stuff (fruit, cheese, herbs, aromatics, veggies, etc) to fancy it up.